Kaveri Book Service is a publishing
house and a bookseller serving individuals and libraries.
Kaveri Book Service is confident that they are capable of procuring any title from the India, that probably no other Indian distributors can provide in a single stroke. Kaveri Book Service through its hard work has built a strong network over a period of time to impart quality services from time to time again to its valued customers, who we take pride in associating with.
Our goal is to provide books that encourage critical thinking and constructive action on the key political, cultural, social, economic and ecological issues shaping life in the Indian Sub-continent and in the world. In this way, we hope to give expression to a wide diversity of democratic and social movements.
Kaveri Books
Service's publishing philosophy is based on three principles:
- Relationships
We depend upon the experience and expertise of our authors, editors,
learned societies, colleagues, and vendors with whom we work.
- Vision
We focus on anticipating and delivering what our customers
- Excellence
We are committed to quality in all that we publish and in
all that we do.
Innovative ideas and approaches consistently distinguish
Kaveri Book
Service's publishing,
across all of our programmes.
We Deals In
- Publication and distribution of Indian & Foreign books.
- Academic, Research and Scholary books.
- Books on Social Science, Art, Science & Humanities.
- Current Affairs and Reference books.